Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Solitude and Availabity to Grace


Purely Useful

Love before the loving

Oct 7, 2016


All is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

We Share One Life, We Are One Life


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The solitary is first of all a useless person. This in itself is remarkable in a society where everyone is rated by their occupation or activity. The call of the solitary is not to be anything, to have any sort of public persona or mask. It is rather to be totally available to God, to live a hidden life of solitude. It is a call to share in the profound solitude of God, in the depths of the mystery of God’s being.

*Eve Baker. Paths in Solitude.

To say I am, or any solitary, is a useless person can be misleading, as well as saying one is a solitary. The contemplative way is filled with apparent contradictions, preciously for the path is beyond dualistic thinking. So, to say, "I am a solitary" does not entail necessarily living in isolation from others, but means I live among others with the Solitariness of Life living in and through me so to commune with others. Some can receive this, some cannot, and I am not present to create communion, only be a means of Grace offering Grace.

And to say "I am useless" means, "Because I am useless, I am supremely useful in a different way than the larger culture defines being useful." I can relax into the freedom of no intent to be useful, only to be in oneness with the work I do and to work from who I am in Life, not identity with what I do. Then, what usefulness arises is not from me, but arises from Life, and is gift to other and myself. I am free to act purely, for I am free from needing to be seen by myself or anyone as useful, efficient, productive. I, then, rejoice in the pure act of Work.

When I relax the agenda of what I do, there arises total openness to Life, and Life moves through me in accordance with Itself, Its innate freedom and wisdom. Being hidden, Grace shines through me to show Itself, and my being open to Grace means I can, likewise, know Grace shining through others.

This is effortless, for I am living free of necessity to be or do, for I am with and in Life. Life has no need. What remains, then, either in not-doing or doing? - Mystery. And Mystery has Its own depths to explore and enjoy, and be drawn into. Grace is fathomless. And, as I have said before, - and another apparent contradiction -, I can most purely love you, for I have no need to love you - loving is the act of Love Itself. So, in loving you, I am loved through this Life, this Mystery, for I have no Love. Love is free of the instrument through which It reaches out to connect and create communion, loving - there is a Song before the music is played or a word is sung, before the thought of a or the song, even as there is Love before the lover, or any thought of loving arises or has ever arisen. I do not use Grace, Grace uses me, even creates me, and thankful I remain to be only a means of this Oneness creating Communion.

*Brian K. Wilcox


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Grace and Peace to All

The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

*Lotus of the Heart is a work of Brian K. Wilcox.

*Move cursor over photos for photographer and photo name.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Solitude and Availabity to Grace

©Brian Wilcox 2025